It turned out what were the environmental conditions of the first people in Europe
2021-09-11 17:52 Understanding the conditions under which the first humans settled from Africa to Europe during the early and Middle Pleistocene is important for studying human evolution. Scientists from the universities of Helsinki (Finland), Granada and Barcelona, Seville, Salamanca (Spain) decided to learn more about this issue. The researchers studied the distribution of dental ecometric features in fossil communities ...
Canadian paleontologists have described an ancient arthropod half a meter long
2021-09-10 12:36 Paleontologists have described the largest Cambrian hurdiid radiodont known so far, named Titanokorys gainesi, from the Burgess Shale, British Columbia, Canada. Radiodonts, a group of primitive arthropods that evolved during the Cambrian explosion, were among the largest and most diversified Paleozoic predators. These animals were widespread geographically, occupying a variety of ecological niches, from b...
A new predatory dinosaur – Kurupi itaata-has been discovered in Brazil
2021-09-09 19:21 Paleontologists in Brazil have found fragments of fossils of a new species of theropod dinosaurs that lived on Earth during the Cretaceous period. The newly discovered dinosaur lived in what is now southeastern Brazil about 70 million years ago (the Late Cretaceous era). Named Kurupi itaata, this species was a species of abelisaurid, a group of bipedal predators that thrived on the ancient southern superc...
Targeting the gut to relieve rheumatoid arthritis
2021-09-08 20:47 UCL researchers have shown that damage to the lining of the gut plays an important role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis, paving the way for a new approach to treating the disease.In the pre-clinical study, which used mouse models and patient samples, the research team propose that restoration of the gut-barrier could offer a new therapeutic approach to reducing the severity of Rheumatoid arthriti...
Improving air quality ‘key’ to confronting global environmental crises
2021-09-07 10:43 With environmental events becoming increasingly interconnected, a new global report on air pollution published by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) on Thursday underscores that improved air quality is “key to tackling the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste”. “Yet, air quality continues to deteriorate despite the increase in laws and regulations seeking t...
A mini-system of genetic editing CRISPR has been developed
2021-09-06 17:23 Bioengineers have repurposed the CRISPR system to make a smaller version of the genomic engineering tool. Its small size should facilitate delivery to cells, tissues and the human body for gene therapy. The general definition of CRISPR gene editing systems is that they work like molecular scissors, cutting out selected sections of DNA. However, many different CRISPR systems that are used or are undergoing...
Russian scientists have synthesized a material with the properties of a quantum liquid
2021-09-05 21:12 Russian scientists have managed to obtain a new material that, when cooled to low temperatures, demonstrates the properties of a spin liquid – a special magnetic state of matter in which the spins of individual atoms do not freeze even at temperatures close to absolute zero. Materials with the properties of a spin liquid can be used in quantum technologies based on the entanglement of wave functions of ind...

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