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Match matters: The right combination of parents can turn a gene off indefinitely
2021-07-13 18:02 Evidence suggests that what happens in one generation--diet, toxin exposure, trauma, fear--can have lasting effects on future generations. Scientists believe these effects result from epigenetic changes that occur in response to the environment and turn genes on or off without altering the genome or DNA sequence. But how these changes are passed down through generations has not been understood, in part, be...
Engineers have put tens of thousands of artificial brain synapses into one small chip
2021-07-12 08:46 MIT engineers have developed a chip the size of a piece of confetti, which consists of tens of thousands of artificial brain synapses. The latter are also known as mac memristors, they simulate the process of transmitting information to the human brain, only it all happens on a small piece of metal. Information about the new development was published in the scientific journal Nature Nanotechnology.The resea...
Reliable early warning systems for natural disasters will help prevent the death of 23 thousand people a year
2021-07-11 08:37 Improving weather forecasting mechanisms and strengthening early warning systems for dangerous climate events will help save the lives of approximately 23 thousand people a year and bring economic benefits in the amount of US $ 162 billion. This is stated in a new report of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The first report on gaps in the field of hydrometeorology was published today. Its author...
For the first time, physicists managed to form a crystal consisting exclusively of electrons
2021-07-10 09:16 For the first time in the history of science, a group of researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) managed to form an exotic crystal consisting exclusively of electrons on the surface of a semiconductor material and observe it. With this achievement, they confirmed the theoretical forecast put forward about 90 years ago, in 1934, by Eugene Wigner, which throughout thi...
TSU has learned how to obtain foamed magnesium
2021-07-09 08:53 Scientists of Togliatti State University (TSU) have developed a unique method for producing porous materials from magnesium and its alloys. The Federal Service for Intellectual Property has issued a patent for the invention. Low weight and high strength, as well as excellent damping properties* are the main advantages of foam metals, which at the same time retain all the advantages of the source material. ...
Neanderthal artists? Our ancestors decorated bones over 50,000 years ago
2021-07-08 09:13 Since the discovery of the first fossil remains in the 19th century, the image of the Neanderthal has been one of a primitive hominin. People have known for a long time that Neanderthals were able to effectively fashion tools and weapons. But could they also make ornaments, jewellery or even art? A research team led by the University of Göttingen and the Lower Saxony State Office for Heritage has analysed a...
Scientists have developed a method for treating joint diseases that has no side effects
2021-07-07 10:47 Scientists of the Clinical Medical Multidisciplinary Center named after St. Luke's KFU developed and put into practice a method for the treatment of joint diseases using autologous plasma (PRP). When compared with other methods, the use of platelet-rich plasma injections showed the highest results.The study of the effectiveness of 3 methods of treatment of osteoarthritis was conducted on 128 patients divide...

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Уточнённый годовой отчёт Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации о ходе реализации государственной программы Российской Федерации «Развитие образования» за 2023 год


Доклад об итогах деятельности Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации за 2023 год и задачах на 2024 год


Доклад о реализации Плана деятельности Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере образования и науки на 2019–2024 годы, утвержденного 11.03.2019, и прилагаемого к нему Плана-графика мероприятий по реализации Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере образования и науки документов стратегического планирования за 2023 год


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