Certificate of registration of mass media ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 78868 issued by Roskomnadzor on 07.08.2020

UN ‘Pause’ campaign has helped slow spread of life-threatening misinformation
2021-07-06 10:33 The UN’s Pause campaign, which encourages social media and other news consumers to stop and check the validity of information they share, received a major endorsement on Thursday after a study from a leading research institute in the United States concluded that it has helped encourage the behavioural change needed to stop the spread of misinformation online. The report from the Massachusetts Institute of ...
And the monolayer is not the limit: physicists have discovered a new class of ultrathin magnets
2021-07-05 16:55 Electronic devices are getting smaller every year — the elements they consist of are also decreasing. Physicists from the Kurchatov Institute synthesized submonolayer magnetic films-ordered structures with a thickness of one atom, but significantly more sparse than a monolayer of matter. These objects represent a fundamentally new class of two-dimensional magnetic materials and can become the basis for crea...
New technology allows you to print words with the power of thought
2021-07-04 14:52 Scientists from the US state of California have created a technology that allows people to write text messages with the power of thought. They implanted several chips in a person's head that read the activity of his brain and convert it into handwritten text on the screen. It is believed that this technology will return the paralyzed people the opportunity to communicate with their relatives and the wor...
Embryos of many species use sound to prepare for the outside world
2021-07-04 12:47 It's well known that reptiles depend on temperature cues while in the egg to determine a hatchling's sex. Now, researchers writing in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution on May 26 say that embryos of many different animal species also rely on acoustic signals in important ways. They call this phenomenon "acoustic developmental programming." "Acoustic developmental programming occurs when a so...
New data has confirmed that the extinction of the dinosaurs began long before the asteroid hit
2021-07-03 16:31 Non-avian dinosaurs began to lose in the struggle for survival millions of years before the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction, and the reason for this is the cooling and the appearance of more advanced competitors. All non-avian dinosaurs became extinct during the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, about 66 million years ago. It is believed that it was launched by the fall of a massive celestial body tha...
Russian scientists used the body's own bacteria instead of probiotics
2021-07-02 14:29 Scientists of the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Experimental Medicine have shown the effectiveness of using autoprobiotic bifidobacteria to normalize the intestinal microbiota in a state of dysbiosis. The widespread use of probiotics (beneficial bacteria that are usually part of the human and animal microbiota) in medical practice in recent decades h...
Singapore scientists develop novel gene editor to correct disease-causing mutations
2021-07-01 17:50 A team of researchers from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research's (A*STAR) Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) have developed a CRISPR-based gene editor, C-to-G Base Editor (CGBE), to correct mutations that cause genetic disorders. Their research was published in Nature Communications on 2 March 2021. One in seventeen people in the world suffers from some type of genetic disorder. Chances ar...

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Уточнённый годовой отчёт Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации о ходе реализации государственной программы Российской Федерации «Развитие образования» за 2023 год


Доклад об итогах деятельности Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации за 2023 год и задачах на 2024 год


Доклад о реализации Плана деятельности Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере образования и науки на 2019–2024 годы, утвержденного 11.03.2019, и прилагаемого к нему Плана-графика мероприятий по реализации Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере образования и науки документов стратегического планирования за 2023 год


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Статистические сборники Высшей школы экономики

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Наука. Технологии. Инновации. 2024

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