The Japanese company Atoun, a subsidiary of Panasonic, has developed a futuristic exoskeleton that can transform into an elegant one... motocart.
The robot suit called Koma 1.5 is designed to help the owner lift heavy objects, as well as ride on a relatively smooth surface in a factory or warehouse.
In the motocart mode, the owner of the robot suit stands on two small platforms and rides on them as on a dual electric scooter. In walking mode, the operator can use the suit to walk up and down the steps.
Although the steps up and down the stairs look rather clumsy, but given the predominance of a smooth surface in warehouses, the idea of putting an exoskeleton on wheels makes sense.
The official website of the developer says that the robotic exoskeleton can also automatically detect and bypass obstacles.
It is still unclear whether Atoun plans to mass-produce a wheeled exoskeleton – the status "in development" is indicated on the website. But in any case, the concept of an electric exoskeleton is not devoid of originality and will certainly bring animation to the work of any factory or warehouse.


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