Machine learning algorithms will accelerate the production of cardiac prostheses
2023-10-20 20:23 Scientists have proposed using artificial intelligence to develop new prosthetic heart valves. The combination of machine learning models together with mathematical optimization algorithms makes it possible to accelerate the selection of multiple parameters of the prosthesis flaps and obtain a heart valve of an "ideal" configuration several thousand times faster than in the case of classical development bas...
WMO: Global stocktake of water resources needed
2023-10-13 18:43 The hydrological cycle is spinning out of balance as a result of climate change and human activity, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) that offers an extensive assessment of global water resources. Destructive droughts and heavy rains are causing major damage, while melting snow and glaciers heighten flood risks and endanger long-term water security, WMO said. The U...
"Our schools are not just about learning, they are about life": the project "Learn to know" changes the attitude of children with cancer to the disease
2023-10-06 18:16 More than 400 thousand Russian children today need long-term treatment. The network of schools "UchiMznay" throughout Russia helps cancer-stricken schoolchildren undergoing treatment in hospitals not to pause in the educational process and changes their attitude to the disease. About the project – in a story from Russia dedicated to the World Teacher's Day, which is celebrated on the fifth of October. ...
Scientists talked about new ways to combat neurodegenerative diseases
2023-09-29 17:37 Scientists analyzed studies on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's and dementia with Levi's corpuscles, and found out what an important role three proteins of the PIDDOSOME complex play in them, triggering the process of programmed cell death. Thus, mutations in two of them — PIDD1 and RAIDD — lead to abnormalities in brain development, and an excess of the third — caspa...
Archaeologists discover world’s oldest wooden structure
2023-09-22 19:39 Half a million years ago, earlier than was previously thought possible, humans were building structures made of wood, according to new research by a team from the University of Liverpool and Aberystwyth University. The research, published in the journal Nature, reports on the excavation of well-preserved wood at the archaeological site of Kalambo Falls, Zambia, dating back at least 476,000 years and predat...
Long-moustached short-moustaches: a transitional form between mosquitoes and flies was found in the Triassic
2023-09-15 11:38 The order Diptera includes, as the name implies, insects with only one pair of wings. The body structure of diptera can be reduced to two main types: mosquitoes with multi-lobed antennae and flies with three-lobed antennae. This difference was noticed a long time ago: diptera were divided into long-whiskered Nematocera and short-whiskered Brachycera in the first half of the XIX century. But as often happens...
3D-Printed ‘Living Material’ Could Clean Up Contaminated Water
2023-09-08 18:58 Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed a new type of material that could offer a sustainable and eco-friendly solution to clean pollutants from water. Dubbed an “engineered living material,” it is a 3D-printed structure made of a seaweed-based polymer combined with bacteria that have been genetically engineered to produce an enzyme that transforms various organic pollutants in...
UNESCO World Heritage Sites often ‘last line of defence against extinction’
2023-09-01 10:55 Some of the world’s most iconic natural and cultural sites are also a haven for thousands of endangered species, the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said on Thursday.  Although properties protected under the World Heritage Convention make up less than one per cent of the Earth’s surface, they harbour more than 20 per cent of the planet’s biodiversity, new research by UNESCO and...
Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских работ «SCIENCE AND DEVELOPMENT – 2023», посвященный Всемирному дню науки за мир и развитие (ООН)
2023-08-25 09:58 Уважаемые коллеги!   Приглашаем принять участие в Международном конкурсе научно-исследовательских работ «SCIENCE AND DEVELOPMENT – 2023», посвященном Всемирному дню науки за мир и развитие (ООН), (далее – Конкурс). Организацию и проведение Конкурса осуществляет научно-образовательный центр «Science Idea» (далее – научно-образовательный центр). Конкурс проводится в заочной форме. В Конкурсе могут принять...
Scientists have found the oldest bivalve mollusk of the genus Pinna
2023-08-18 19:51 MSU paleontologists reported the discovery of the oldest bivalve mollusk of the genus Pinna. The find comes from the deposits of the Early Permian reef of Shakhtau on the territory of Bashkiria. Information about the discovery was published in the Paleontological Journal. The Pinnidae Leach family includes some of the largest heteromiare bivalves. The first representatives of this family appeared in the ea...
‘Transforming education’: Ensuring children and societies are learners
2023-08-11 14:50 The UN launched on Friday a policy brief on transforming education, which lays out a set of proposals to create inclusive and truly learning societies, and to understand education as a global public good. The brief recognizes that education faces both a crisis of access as well as a crisis of quality and relevance, Leonardo Garnier, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the Transforming Education Sum...
Royal Ontario Museum researchers identify oldest known species of swimming jellyfish
2023-08-04 15:16 505-million-year-old swimming jellyfish from the Burgess Shale highlights diversity in Cambrian ecosystem. Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) announces the oldest swimming jellyfish in the fossil record with the newly named Burgessomedusa phasmiformis. These findings are announced in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.   Jellyfish belong to medusozoans, or animals producing medusae, and include today’...
UNESCO education report advises ban on smartphones in schools
2023-07-28 15:17 A new UN report raised concerns on Wednesday about the excessive use of smartphones, calling for them to be banned in schools worldwide. According to the UN's education, science and culture agency UNESCO, the over-use of mobile phones impacts learning. UNESCO`s report on technology in education urges countries to carefully consider how technology is used in schools. It emphasises the need for a "human...
A molecule has been discovered that limits the formation of tumors in the pancreas
2023-07-21 18:43 Spanish scientists have identified a molecule that promotes the proper functioning of the main cells of the pancreas and prevents the development of neoplasms in this organ, according to the National Center for Cancer Research. The article dedicated to the discovery was published in the journal Nature Communications. The pancreas, located behind the stomach, controls the energy supply of our body. It secre...
2023-07-14 18:35 MIPT biophysicists together with colleagues from Russia and Europe have determined the mechanism of proton transport through the cell membrane by photosensitive proteins. The results obtained will find application in the development of optogenetics, in the methodology of working with nerve cells. The results of the scientists' research are published in the journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. ...
2023-07-07 18:20 Can a prosthesis become a full-fledged replacement for lost limbs? Scientists have already learned how to create prostheses with moving fingers and the ability to grab objects, but to feel the feedback from touch is a completely different task. Only a few scientific groups are engaged in such research in the world, and one of them is located in Russia, in the Skolkovo Technopark. The team of "Scientific Rus...
Обучающийся научно-учебной лаборатории "Агрокуб" МБОУ "СШ № 1 г.Вельска" имени Г.Д. Карпеченко стал победителем Международного конкурса
2023-07-07 16:50 Обучающийся научно-учебной лаборатории "Агрокуб" МБОУ "СШ № 1 г.Вельска" имени Г.Д. Карпеченко стал победителем Международного конкурса научно-исследовательских работ «PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES»  Исследовательская работа Могутова Никиты (10 класс) «Изучение влияния спектрального состава света на рост и развитие растений» посвящена особенностям выращивания цветочно-декоративных, овощных плодовых,...
The ozone layer is gradually recovering
2023-06-30 17:46 The Earth's ozone layer is gradually recovering. This is stated in a report published on Thursday by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Experts predict a complete recovery of the ozone layer in most parts of the atmosphere in the coming decades. According to the WMO, in 2022, ozone accumulations in the tropics and subtropics exceeded the norm, while in higher latitudes, especially in the Sout...
Студент ГАПОУ БТТ заняла 1 место в Международном конкурсе
2023-06-30 16:55 Поздравляем Сильченко Анастасию, группа Л-18, занявшую 1 место в Международном конкурсе научно-исследовательских работ «PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES». Работа Насти «Крым поэтический (своеобразие раскрытия темы Крыма в русской поэзии)» (руководитель Крупенина Ю.Н.) не только была признана лучшей среди работ обучающихся высших и средних профессиональных образовательных учреждений в категории «Литерату...
Результаты Международного конкурса научно-исследовательских работ «PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES» (19-21 июня 2023 г.)
2023-06-23 12:54 Уважаемые участники конкурса, руководители!   Подведены итоги Международного конкурса научно-исследовательских работ «PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES» (далее – Конкурс). Поздравляем победителей и призёров Конкурса. Желаем дальнейших успехов на поприще научных исследований, новых открытий и достижений! Многие работы, поступившие на Конкурс, имеют большое практическое значение и могут найти применение ...
The new nickel photocatalyst was able to adjust itself to specific reagents
2023-06-16 18:42 A group of scientists from Russia and Germany demonstrated a new catalytic system based on the simplest nickel salts and a photoactive additive. Under the influence of visible light and added reagents in such a catalyst, the structure and degree of oxidation of the metal spontaneously change, which ensures maximum efficiency of the chemical process. With the help of a cheap and affordable catalyst, the auth...
How Carbon Dioxide Emissions Cause Ocean Acidification
2023-06-09 14:08 For World Oceans Day, which is celebrated on June 8, our colleagues from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have prepared a material explaining how carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere cause acidification of the oceans.Ocean acidification is a consequence of increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions causing climate change. The ocean absorbs about a third of all anthropogenic CO2, which lea...
The clams that fell behind, and what they can tell us about evolution and extinction
2023-06-02 09:20 Every so often, life on Earth steps onto a nearly empty playing field and faces a spectacular opportunity. Something major changes—in the atmosphere or in the oceans, or in the organisms themselves —and the existing species begin to branch out into a brand-new world. Scientists are fascinated by this process, because it’s a unique look into evolution at pivotal moments in the history of life. A new study l...
Вышел в свет электронный сборник тезисов научно-исследовательских работ по результатам конкурса «SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES AND INNOVATIONS» (29-31 марта 2023 г.)
2023-05-26 20:44
2023-05-26 18:40 An international team of scientists from Russia and Taiwan investigated the mechanism of the appearance of an unusual combination of magnetic properties in single crystals of Weyl semimetals — innovative materials that can be used in microelectronics and in the creation of quantum computers. In addition, the appearance of the metamagnetism effect in the Weyl semimetal was demonstrated for the first time. Th...
2023-05-19 15:18 Scientists from St. Petersburg State University have synthesized two types of new compounds with antibacterial properties. In the future, according to the results of the study, an affordable alternative to the antibiotics widely used today, to which pathogens have already acquired resistance, may appear. It was possible to obtain new substances thanks to just one reaction, changing only its conditions. In o...
2023-05-12 15:24 Scientists from St. Petersburg State University, the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Altai State University have studied the size of the glaciers of the North Chui Ridge from the middle of the XIX century to the present day. It turned out that the area of glaciers has decreased by an average of two times and continues to shrink. The results o...
2023-05-05 09:31 Ученые Исследовательской школы химических и биомедицинских технологий Томского политехнического университета придали растворимость алкилвердазилам — новым соединениям, которые потенциально можно использовать при фотодинамической терапии рака. Этого удалось достичь за счет «сшивания» молекулы с сахарным остатком. Проведенное исследование показало, что после использования препарата выживает около 10 процентов...
Учащийся МОУ "СОШ № 64 им. Б. Ручьева" г. Магнитогорска - призер Международного конкурса
2023-04-28 17:00 Жидков Валерий, ученик 9 класса МОУ "СОШ № 64 им. Б. Ручьева" г. Магнитогорска, занял 2 место в Международном конкурсе научно-исследовательских работ "SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES AND INNOVATIONS" с научно-исследовательской работой "Влияние стресса на здоровье подростков". Научный руководитель - педагог-психолог Полозова Елена Александровна.
2023-04-28 09:23 Sulfur- and nitrogen-containing compounds contained in refined petroleum products form harmful gases during combustion. To regulate harmful emissions into the environment, strict requirements are introduced to control their content in petroleum products. By the traditional method – catalytic hydrotreating – it is difficult to achieve high-quality purification from these compounds. In addition, this method r...

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