Челюсти динозавров-теропод становились сильнее по мере эволюции
2021-12-18 19:56 Большинство теропод были хищниками, реже — всеядными и растительноядными (к тероподам, кстати, сегодня относят и современных птиц). Они передвигались на двух ногах, что позволяло им бегать быстрее остальных динозавров. Еще у них был более широкий угол обзора, а свободные от ходьбы передние лапы могли выполнять другие функции: например, придерживать добычу во время поедания. Такая биомеханика, впрочем, несл...
Parliamentarians from Europe and Central Asia discussed child poverty under the auspices of UNICEF
2021-12-17 19:21 In the near future, more than three million children will be among the poor in Europe and Central Asia. This is reported with alarm by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).Today, in Europe and Central Asia, millions of families with children live below the national poverty line. In total - 22 million children and their families. In the near future, approximately 6.4 million more people will join thei...
Why naming neurons can help cure brain disease
2021-12-16 18:54 The human brain has about 100 billion neurons, linked in intricate ways, that the Spanish neuroanatomist Ramón y Cajal compared to "the impenetrable jungles where many investigators have lost themselves." But to decipher how the brain works and understand how it can go awry in many diseases, it is essential to figure out how many classes of neurons it actually has and how they are connected with each other...
Scientists have created a smart textile that remembers its shape
2021-12-15 13:25 Materials that can be deformed and then returned to their original state at will, such as shape memory alloys, can be of great value for aerospace, robotics, and other applications. Now researchers at Harvard University have created a new smart textile. Made from the remnants of wool products, the programmable material can be bent in response to stimuli and returned to its original shape, with a team of sc...
Dinosaurs Spring to Extinction: Springtime pinpointed as the season for dinosaur extinction
2021-12-14 10:07 An international team led by researchers from The University of Manchester today published in Scientific Reports a groundbreaking study that sheds new light on the timing associated with the dinosaur-killing asteroid impact that occurred 66 million years ago.The study, “Seasonal calibration of the end-Cretaceous Chicxulub Impact Event”, provides new evidence that helps us to understand the significance of t...
Supercomputer predicted the existence of exotic six-quark particles
2021-12-13 16:27 Predicted by RIKEN researchers, the existence of an exotic particle consisting of six elementary particles known as quarks may deepen the understanding of how quarks combine to form atomic nuclei.Quarks are the fundamental building blocks of matter. The nuclei of atoms consist of protons and neutrons, which, in turn, consist of three quarks each. Particles consisting of three quarks are collectively known a...
A person's biological clock works differently due to stress
2021-12-12 10:30 The work of the human body is regulated by various rhythms - "clocks", among which there are, for example, circadian rhythms - an internal rhythm with a period of about 24 hours, familiar to us as the "sleep-wakefulness" cycle. For such clocks to be useful, they must be synchronized with the outside world: for example, the circadian rhythm depends on light information. However, in addition to the 24-hour ci...

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