Anthropologists have revealed the secret of energy efficiency of ancient people
2022-01-07 10:52 The researchers analyzed the balance of energy expenditure and consumption in primates and modern hunter-gatherers. It turned out that despite the use of sophisticated technologies and more economical means of transportation, people spend almost as much energy on finding or producing food as they receive - like our closest relatives, but they can cope with it in less time. Such a strategy could indirectly c...
IOM helps Afghan students in Kazakhstan
2021-12-31 16:28 The International Organization for Migration, with financial support from Germany, provided humanitarian assistance to more than 200 Afghan students studying in Kazakhstan. Muhammad Kabin Yeskhan is one of the young residents of Afghanistan who came to Kazakhstan for education within the framework of a special program. Today Muhammad, like many of his compatriots, found himself in a difficult situation: he...
The world's largest wind farm gave the first energy
2021-12-30 19:58 When fully operational, Hornsea 2’s 165 8 MW Siemens Gamesa wind turbines will be capable of generating 1.32 GW of clean electricity – taking the title of ‘world’s largest operating offshore wind farm’ from its sibling project Hornsea 1. Together, the two projects will be capable of providing enough power for well over 2.3 million homes. First power on Hornsea 2, which is located 89 km off the UK's eas...
Biologists have examined the work of proteins that "repair" DNA in a living cell
2021-12-29 19:30 Machine learning allowed Spanish scientists to analyze in detail micrographs of DNA “repair” in living cells. Researchers have discovered several new proteins involved in this process, and have demonstrated the important role that proteins play actively leaving the site of injury. The DNA of living cells is constantly damaged by background radiation, ultraviolet radiation, chemicals and simply duplication ...
How the brain connects smells with places and transports us through time and space
2021-12-28 17:52 The smell is able to transport us through time and space. It could be the sweet scent of jasmine or the scent of fresh grass. Once you smell a familiar scent, you can suddenly return to the home of your childhood or under the scorching sun on the distant seashore. This connection between smells and places seems to be a deeply ingrained aspect of human consciousness. But how are they connected in the brain? ...
Physicists have synthesized a new isotope of magnesium
2021-12-27 10:52 The NSCL accelerator has succeeded in obtaining record-breaking light magnesium nuclei containing only seven neutrons. Magnesium is the 12th element of the Periodic Table and one of the most abundant in the earth's crust. It is found in seawater and many minerals and plays an important role in the life of biological cells.According to some assumptions, magnesium was one of the key elements that ensured the ...
WHO warns: "vegetable analogues" of meat products can be harmful to health
2021-12-26 11:03 The idea of ​​skipping or cutting back on meat is gaining popularity around the world. People change habits for both health and environmental reasons. However, experts from the WHO Regional Office for Europe warn that not all plant-based foods intended to replace meat and milk are good for health. Many of these substitutes, also known as "herbal substitutes," are overly processed foods that are high in calo...
Объявлен Всероссийский конкурс научно-исследовательских работ «Наука – для человека. Наука – для общества»
2021-12-25 19:26 Уважаемые коллеги!   Приглашаем принять участие во Всероссийском конкурсе научно-исследовательских работ «Наука – для человека. Наука – для общества» (далее – Конкурс). Организацию и проведение Конкурса осуществляет научно-образовательный центр «Science Idea» (далее – научно-образовательный центр). Конкурс проводится в заочной форме. В Конкурсе могут принять участие учащиеся школ и организаций дополнит...
Physicists have determined the speed limit of quantum computing
2021-12-24 16:42 What factors determine how fast a quantum computer can perform its calculations? Physicists from the University of Bonn and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed an elegant experiment to answer this question. The results of the study are published in the journal Science Advances. Quantum computers are very complex machines that rely on the principles of quantum mechanics to process inf...
A model has been developed for studying magnetic nanogels in the body without experiments on animals
2021-12-23 15:24 A team of researchers, which includes employees of UrFU, found out how the nanogel moves in the hydrodynamic flow of blood vessels. In other words, it travels through the body like a smart drug carrier. For this, mathematicians have developed a computational model of two types of nanogels (with cobalt and cobalt ferrite), which reproduces the features of real samples. The model allows you to analyze the dru...
В будущем компьютеры смогут обрабатывать информацию при помощи молекул
2021-12-22 15:20 Требования к вычислительной технике возрастают с каждым днем. Очевидно, что нынешние технологии рано или поздно упрутся в предел своих возможностей. Другими словами, увеличивать производительность полупроводниковых процессоров больше не получится. Поэтому нужны новые технологии, которые обеспечат более высокий уровень производительности, а также низкое энергопотребление, возможность хранения больших объемов...
Самые крупные сухопутные животные прошлого предпочитали тропики
2021-12-21 15:16 Палеонтологи из США и Испании пришли к выводу, что динозавры-зауроподы проживали в более теплых регионах планеты. К зауроподам относят самых крупных животных, когда-либо обитавших на суше. Среди них: диплодоки, брахиозавры, бронтозавры и апатозавры. Эти существа отличались длинной шеей, маленькой головой, мощным хвостом и толстыми ногами, похожими на колонны. Зауроподы появились около 210 миллионов лет наза...
38℃ record Arctic temperature confirmed, others likely to follow: WMO
2021-12-20 19:14 A new and disturbing high temperature record for the Arctic of 38 degrees Celsius, or just over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, was confirmed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Tuesday. Worryingly, the temperature reading taken last June in the Siberian town of Verkhoyansk – which is located 115 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle - is “just one of a series” of potentially record-breaking observat...
First millipede with more than 1,000 legs discovered
2021-12-19 10:47 The discovery of the first millipede with more than 1,000 legs is reported in Scientific Reports this week. Prior to this, no millipede had been found with more than 750 legs.Paul Marek and colleagues discovered the millipede 60 metres underground in a drill hole created for mineral exploration in the mining area of the Eastern Goldfields Province of Australia. It has 1,306 legs — more than any other animal...
Челюсти динозавров-теропод становились сильнее по мере эволюции
2021-12-18 19:56 Большинство теропод были хищниками, реже — всеядными и растительноядными (к тероподам, кстати, сегодня относят и современных птиц). Они передвигались на двух ногах, что позволяло им бегать быстрее остальных динозавров. Еще у них был более широкий угол обзора, а свободные от ходьбы передние лапы могли выполнять другие функции: например, придерживать добычу во время поедания. Такая биомеханика, впрочем, несл...
Parliamentarians from Europe and Central Asia discussed child poverty under the auspices of UNICEF
2021-12-17 19:21 In the near future, more than three million children will be among the poor in Europe and Central Asia. This is reported with alarm by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).Today, in Europe and Central Asia, millions of families with children live below the national poverty line. In total - 22 million children and their families. In the near future, approximately 6.4 million more people will join thei...
Why naming neurons can help cure brain disease
2021-12-16 18:54 The human brain has about 100 billion neurons, linked in intricate ways, that the Spanish neuroanatomist Ramón y Cajal compared to "the impenetrable jungles where many investigators have lost themselves." But to decipher how the brain works and understand how it can go awry in many diseases, it is essential to figure out how many classes of neurons it actually has and how they are connected with each other...
Scientists have created a smart textile that remembers its shape
2021-12-15 13:25 Materials that can be deformed and then returned to their original state at will, such as shape memory alloys, can be of great value for aerospace, robotics, and other applications. Now researchers at Harvard University have created a new smart textile. Made from the remnants of wool products, the programmable material can be bent in response to stimuli and returned to its original shape, with a team of sc...
Dinosaurs Spring to Extinction: Springtime pinpointed as the season for dinosaur extinction
2021-12-14 10:07 An international team led by researchers from The University of Manchester today published in Scientific Reports a groundbreaking study that sheds new light on the timing associated with the dinosaur-killing asteroid impact that occurred 66 million years ago.The study, “Seasonal calibration of the end-Cretaceous Chicxulub Impact Event”, provides new evidence that helps us to understand the significance of t...
Supercomputer predicted the existence of exotic six-quark particles
2021-12-13 16:27 Predicted by RIKEN researchers, the existence of an exotic particle consisting of six elementary particles known as quarks may deepen the understanding of how quarks combine to form atomic nuclei.Quarks are the fundamental building blocks of matter. The nuclei of atoms consist of protons and neutrons, which, in turn, consist of three quarks each. Particles consisting of three quarks are collectively known a...
A person's biological clock works differently due to stress
2021-12-12 10:30 The work of the human body is regulated by various rhythms - "clocks", among which there are, for example, circadian rhythms - an internal rhythm with a period of about 24 hours, familiar to us as the "sleep-wakefulness" cycle. For such clocks to be useful, they must be synchronized with the outside world: for example, the circadian rhythm depends on light information. However, in addition to the 24-hour ci...
Subantarctic Armored Dinosaur Had Bizarre Tail Weapon
2021-12-11 09:55 The new dinosaur species lived in what is now Chile during the Upper Cretaceous epoch, some 74 million years ago. Named Stegouros elengassen, it was between 1.8 and 2 m (5.9-6.6 feet) long including its short tail. The ancient creature was a type of ankylosaur, a group of herbivorous armored dinosaurs. “Armored dinosaurs are well known for their evolution of specialized tail weapons — paired tail spikes ...
Kazakhstan saves the "ghost of the mountains– - the snow leopard
2021-12-10 09:53 "The ghost of the mountains" is the name of the snow leopard that lives in 12 countries of the world, including the territories of the Central Asian republics. The snow leopard (irbis) is under threat from illegal wildlife trade. On International Mountain Day, which is celebrated on December 11, we suggest thinking about the fate of one of the rare inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan. The ...
CRISPR Gene Therapy, ultrasound and drugs combine against liver cancer
2021-12-09 10:24 Chinese researchers have developed a new three-component method of fighting liver cancer, which has shown promise in tests on mice. This method combines drugs and editing of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene into lipid nanoparticles, and then activates them with ultrasound. One of the new cancer treatment methods is known as sonodynamic therapy (SDT), which involves the delivery of drugs to the tumor and their subseque...
2021-12-08 11:23 The Higgs boson is peculiar in many respects. Like most other elementary particles, it is unstable and lives only for an extremely short time, 1.6 x 10-22 seconds, according to the established theory of particle physics (the standard model). Pretty short, isn't it? Compare this number to 880 seconds (about 15 minutes), the average lifetime of a neutron outside an atomic nucleus. The lifetime of an unsta...
We haven't seen such a robot with realistic facial expressions yet
2021-12-07 13:58 The robot from the British company Engineered Arts impresses with its realism of movement and facial expressions. The Ameca robot may be disgusting to many, but undoubtedly it is a huge step forward in the development of robotics. Although work on humanoid robots has been going on for several decades, their realism still leaves much to be desired. This is not about our low technological level, but about th...
MSU biologists have described a new species of crocodile newts from Southeast Asia
2021-12-06 10:48 Employees of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, with the assistance of foreign colleagues, described a new species of tailed amphibians - the crocodile newt Tylototriton thaiorum. Previously, finds of this species were mistaken for the North Vietnamese crocodile newt T. Vietnamensis or Laotian T. notialis. Until recently, 31 species of crocodile newts (genus Tylototriton) were known to scie...
International Volunteer Day
2021-12-05 20:12 2021 Theme: Volunteer now for our common future We aim to inspire people, whether they are decision makers or citizens of this world, to take action NOW for people and the planet. The United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) coordinates International Volunteer Day on 5 December every year to recognize and promote the tireless work, not just of UN Volunteers, but of volunteers across the globe. Every day,...
The Denisovsky man turned out to be four times older
2021-12-04 20:47 Scientists have identified fragments of "Denisovsky" bones in an archaeological layer 200 thousand years old. Human skeletal remains in layers of this age have not yet been found in the Denisova Cave. Three thousand eight hundred tiny indeterminate fragments of ancient bones from the Denisova Cave in Altai were analyzed by scientists of the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Jena using zoo...
37 percent of people have never used the Internet
2021-12-03 17:38 The number of Internet users is growing, but 37 percent of the world's inhabitants still do not have access to it. This means that 2.9 billion people have never used the benefits of the world wide web. For many of them, these services are too expensive, and for others they are not available due to the lack of digital skills. These are the data of the new report of the International Telecommunication Uni...

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